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The Communities of Practice was founded on the basis of community connection. The beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 saw a global move to Zoom, highlighting the necessity of nourishing human interactions, in whatever way they may be accessible. Over its few years the Community has shape-shifted and grown to address the ever-changing world in which we find ourselves and so a number of events, regular and occasional, have been held to meet the needs of our community and the world at large.

2024 Sunday Check-In Sessions

A half hour of Dharma, reflection and community connections.

Sundays from 11:00am – 11:30am Sydney Time via Zoom

2024 Events

Past Sessions

2023 Sunday Check-In Sessions

Recordings from the Sunday Check-In Sessions during 2023

2022 Sunday Check-In Sessions

Recordings from the Sunday Check-In Sessions during 2022

2021 Sunday Check-In Sessions

Recordings from the Sunday Check-In Sessions during 2021

2020 Sunday Check-In Sessions

2020 Sunday Check-In Sessions

Recordings from the Sunday Check-In Sessions during 2020

Past Events

200th Check-In Session

Celebrating 200 Sundays together as a community.

150th Sunday Check-In Session

A very special Sunday Check In celebrating 3 years and 150 episodes together.

100th Sunday Check-In Session

100th Sunday Check-In Session

Celebrating 100 Sunday Check-In Sessions over three years so far.

Disruptive Technology

Disruptive Technology

Jade Hutchinson and Alex Trauth-Goik discuss how social media is reshaping identity, relationships and community.

Mirrors to Wisdom

Mirrors to Wisdom

Members from spiritual communities across the world share their poetic reflections on 2020.

Living with impermanence

Living with Impermanence

A number of keynote speakers share their thoughts on the unavoidable truth of impermanence and how to deal with it.

Detox Series

Covid-19 Detox Series

A number of keynote speakers share their thoughts and practices for dealing with the pandemic.


We Can Make a Difference

Hear from three speakers who have each faced insurmountable odds to help change the world for the better.

Healing an Anxious Society

Two million Australians were suffering from anxiety last year alone, and one in four of us will experience an anxiety disorder at some time in our life. Why?

The Power of the Mind

We often seek external solutions to the problems faced in the modern world.  And yet the answers to challenges such as isolation, fear and inequality could lie elsewhere – internally, in the mind.

Connections: The Power of the Gift

Despite an increasingly “connected” technological world, we are surrounded by stories of isolation, inequality and powerlessness. Is this genuine connection?

Other Audio Series

Topical Recordings

Topical Recordings

A series of miscellaneous recordings addressing contemporary issues in Australia and beyond.

Bibliography of Sakyramuni Buddha

Readings and Commentaries on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha

Venerable Juewei reads and shares her thoughts on each chapter of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha.

The Communities of Practice is a non-profit volunteer run initiative. If you would like to get involved, please contact us at