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Peaceful Orchids

  • by
Venerable Miao Guang
Venerable Miao Guang

30th July 2024

We are delighted to invite you to this week’s Sunday Check-in Session, where Venerable Miao Guang will conclude her insightful series on the Bodhi Light Tales with a story on “Peaceful Orchids” – encouraging us to stop and recall our original intentions and how these might impact our responses to situations.

In preparation, you are invited to reflect on the following questions:

  1. How can the saying “We have not come into this world to get angry” be applied in our lives? Reflect on a time when maintaining a pure mind transformed a conflict or misunderstanding.
  2. How can offering purity of heart, like offering flowers in Buddhist practice, improve our daily interactions? Consider practical steps to nurture this purity amid life’s challenges.